( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught LogicException: You cannot use "Http\Message\MessageFactory\SlimUriFactory" as the "php-http/message-factory" package is not installed. Try running "composer require php-http/message-factory". Note that this package is deprecated, use "psr/http-factory" instead in E:\wamp64\www\Badran-API\vendor\php-http\message\src\UriFactory\SlimUriFactory.php on line 10
( ! ) LogicException: You cannot use "Http\Message\MessageFactory\SlimUriFactory" as the "php-http/message-factory" package is not installed. Try running "composer require php-http/message-factory". Note that this package is deprecated, use "psr/http-factory" instead in E:\wamp64\www\Badran-API\vendor\php-http\message\src\UriFactory\SlimUriFactory.php on line 10
Call Stack
10.0292364112{main}( )...\SlimUriFactory.php:0